Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Iris Garcia
Pool Times 
         I like to swim but I hate the feeling before a race. I didn't know how to swim until last year I also didn't think it would give me a cool experience or that it would be exhausting, or teriffing. Even thought I don't like to race or the feeling am going to do it again this season.
         Last year, I wanted to join a sport so I thought swim because it looked easy I was wrong. When I started to practice it was fun because I didn't know how to swim and I would mess around. After a couple of months we had to figure out what we were good at learn to dive and prepare to race.
          Then the exhausting part everyday we practiced from about three to five. It was fun because of my friends but the warm ups and the sets were a lot sometimes. For warm ups we would swim eight laps then we would swim on our side 4 four laps that was exhausting because it took forever. The sets were fun but sometimes they were just a lot. Sprints are not as bad because I didn't really feel them.
          After, the terrifying part was the swim meets all the practices came down to one time and determine if you improved or slacked off. I hated meets because I would get so nervous about my times and if I got a bad time I would be mad. Afterwards I would feel better because that meant one less meet to go. 
          Even is swim is exhausting, and terrifying am still going to do it because it's fun and it takes my mind off of homework and let's me fouces on one thing. It's also fun to be part of something were people know what your talking about and understand. I am ready and excited for swim this season!

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