Sunday, September 24, 2017

                Young Goodman Brown  

      Young Goodman Brown is a story about  young Goodman Brown who has a wife named faith and is ready to leave faith because he has to according to him. When he is on his way he meets a man to takes him into a dark place. In the beginning of the story young Goodman Brown talks to faith and tells her he has to leave to make things right. Young Goodman Brown is nice and gental and doesn't want faith to find out why he is leaving. During his trip he meets a man who shows introduces him to a new place where everyone is different then what they appear to be and satanic. After that night he wakes up and he feels as if it were a dream and sees everyone in a different like liers and hypocrites. Then after years go by he changes he became a grumpy man who doesn't like anyone and especially not when others talk about God. Young Goodman Brown is a dynamic character at the beginning of the story he is nice gental and wants good things for faith and in the end he doesn't care and thinks everyone is bad but they are just hiding it. After his traumatic experience he was never the same. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

3rd Vocab word 

Coherent- logic and consistent 

Belabor- argue or elaborate

Eschew- avoiding using; abstain from

Acquisitive- interested in acquiring money

Emulate- match or surpass

Banal- be obvious and boring 

Excoriation- wear off skin

Congeal- solidify 

Carping- difficult to please 

Substantiate- provide evidence to provide the truth 

Temporize- avoid making decisions 

Largesse- generosity

Tenable- able to maintain or defend against attack

Insatiable- impossible to satisfy

Reconnaissance- military observation

Ramify- form branch or offshoot 

Intransigent- unwilling to changes ones veiws 

Taciturn- reserved

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Iris Garcia
Pool Times 
         I like to swim but I hate the feeling before a race. I didn't know how to swim until last year I also didn't think it would give me a cool experience or that it would be exhausting, or teriffing. Even thought I don't like to race or the feeling am going to do it again this season.
         Last year, I wanted to join a sport so I thought swim because it looked easy I was wrong. When I started to practice it was fun because I didn't know how to swim and I would mess around. After a couple of months we had to figure out what we were good at learn to dive and prepare to race.
          Then the exhausting part everyday we practiced from about three to five. It was fun because of my friends but the warm ups and the sets were a lot sometimes. For warm ups we would swim eight laps then we would swim on our side 4 four laps that was exhausting because it took forever. The sets were fun but sometimes they were just a lot. Sprints are not as bad because I didn't really feel them.
          After, the terrifying part was the swim meets all the practices came down to one time and determine if you improved or slacked off. I hated meets because I would get so nervous about my times and if I got a bad time I would be mad. Afterwards I would feel better because that meant one less meet to go. 
          Even is swim is exhausting, and terrifying am still going to do it because it's fun and it takes my mind off of homework and let's me fouces on one thing. It's also fun to be part of something were people know what your talking about and understand. I am ready and excited for swim this season!

Monday, September 11, 2017

2nd Vocab list

Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something

Threshold: piece of something at the bottom of a door

Tarry: of, like, or covered with tar

Resolve: find the solution to a problem

Discern: to recognize something

Martyr: a person who is killed because of their religious beliefs

Mirth: amusement especially in laughter   

   My vocab                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Theme: central/main idea  

Tone: the authors attitude toward the subject

Mood: emotion we feel

Diction: words

Syntax: the way the author puts the words

Stupid: no intelligence or common sense

Adumbrate: foreshadow vaguely

Ascetic: perfect example of something

Bauble: cheap showy object

Beguile: make someone attracted to you

Burgeon: blossom/grow

Complement: adding last few things

Contumacious: stubborn/disobedient

Curmudgeon: old, cranky, and bad temper

Didactic: to teach