Monday, June 4, 2018

Friday, June 1, 2018

My learning was lit

Allusion: to call something to mind without mentioning explicitly
Plot: main event of a play, novel, or book
Theme: central or main idea
Diction: the words the author uses
Syntax: how the author puts the words together
In/direct characterization: a writer reveals information about a different character
Direct characterization: the writer makes direct statement about a character personality
Static character: no change in character through out the book
Dynamic character: the character changes in the book or novel
Symbolism: symbol that represents ideas or qualities
Synecdoche: figure of speech that represents the whole or vice versa

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Master Piece Academy day 1

Estefany- taught us about Mexican dances and where they originated from.
Juanita- told us about what she wants to do in the future and that she wants to go to a beauty college.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

 Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Over the years technology has advanced a lot. In 1953 when Fahrenheit 451 was published a lot of thing that Ray Bradbury wrote about was unreal to most people. Now everybody uses technology everyday and it's normal. The role of technology now is very big because everyone uses it and depend on it. The role of technology in 1953 versus 2018 is very different.
    Technology now affects everything because it's used everywhere. The role of technology in society now is very important because most people depend on it, people use it to find a address, to contact each other,to find a job, or to buy things. Technology is very important but sometimes people take it to far and it ruin the truth like in the book when the officers faked the capture of montag they used the television in a bad way. Technology can be used for good or bad.
    In book I feel like technology is portrayed as as a bad thing because montags capture was faked with the help of the tv and the robotic dogs are used to hunt down humans and made the people seem very superficial because of the tv shows. I feel like this book was showing the television as a bad thing and that technology was not a very good thing.
    Technology now is very important and it's going to be increasing more and more. I think technology is a good thing if it is used the correct way.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

In the book I ended on the part were Mildred left on taxi and Montag is left alone.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Pedestrian 

This short story made me mad because police officers are mean sometimes for no reason. 
Why don't more people walk in 2018?
I think people don't walk as much anymore because obviously they have cars but also because the stores are spread out and it takes less time to drive then walk. Also driving lets people get more thing done than walking.   

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What I see literature 

I got that he is alone even if there's a lot of people around him a and that he wants/needs love

Sunday, March 11, 2018


     In the novel The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald gives the characters almost all the same attitude towards happiness. Gatsby, Nick, Tom, and daisy don't experience happiness very much. 
      In the beginning of the novel gatsby is alone and sad because he can't get over his ex girlfriend. He knows that he never got over daisy and has to see her with someone else. Gatsby was really never happy he had many party's, a big house, and lots of money but he didn't really know anybody and nobody really knew him, he couldn't share his big house with anyone because he was alone and had no one to spend his money with. All Gatsby want is to be with daisy but he doesn't even get that. Towards the end there is a accident and gatsby gets blamed and killed for it Gatsby dies alone and without actually being happy. 
      Nick who was one of gatsbys friend also isn't very happy he's more angry. Nick left the Midwest to experience new thing and have a good life but he really doesn't. In the novel Nick is portrayed as innocent and lonely Nick is getting introduced to all these new people and starts to realize that these people aren't any good. Through the book he starts to get angry and frustrated because he sees how selfish and rude these people are. In the end Nick is sad and lonely again because his friend Gatsby was killed and he's all alone again. 
       Tom and daisy aren't happy Tom just want to fit in and daisy does too. Tom and daisy are only together because it benefits them Tom gets a pretty wife while daisy gets a rich husband. The only who was happy for a little waa Tom because he thought he had it all he was rich he had a wife he had everything he wanted including a mistress but the falls quickly. First Tom starts to realize the daisy and Gatsby have something going on then myrtle his mistress dies and in the end Tom does lose daisy because he realizes that daisy did love Gatsby and she never got over him either. 
       In the end Gatsby, Nick, Tom, and Daisy all don't experience very much happiness which shows that F. Scott Fitzgerald tone towards happiness is not really there. Gatsby dies without his true love, Nick realizes that he's not happy there, Tom and daisy know they don't love each other but there still going to be together because they don't want to seem like outliers. F. Scott Fitzgerald does not have a good attitude towards happiness.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wild Wednesday 

Today I learned the gpa requirements for some universities and I think that will help me in the future.

Monday, January 15, 2018

I  Socrates
 I learned that a lot of people are self-conscious.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Music as Literature 

Yes, we can consider music as Literature because if a person writes a song about what they feel or how they are feeling they are basically writing but just adding a rythm. What think is that a novel tells a clear story while a poem also tells a story but you have to find it. I think rap is like saying something just not clear enough a song is like telling someone how they feel. A opera is like fancy way of saying your feelings while a symphony is different parts put together to say your feelings.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The gift of the maji
This is a interesting and romantic story a couple.decide to sell and trade what important to them to make their partner happy but they end up with useless things because they realize that they are most important to eachother. I recommend this short story because it's somewhat funny interesting and romantic.
The cask of amontillado
This story is about a man named montressor who tricks fourtundao into going to his basement to try wine but in the end Montresor poison fourtundao for talking bad about him whick kills montressor and fourtundao buries him. I would recommend this story because it's interesting and it shows two grown men fighting as if they were two girls.
The Monkeys Paw
This story is about a man an his friend his friend brings a monkeys paw and says it has magical powers but warns his friend about the power and not to use it, but the guy uses it and because of it he loses his son he basically got something but also lost so something. I would recommend this short story because it's interesting and kind of creepy.
My big question is about what it takes how much time and what the chances of my little business actually happening is. I hope to accopmplish many things one thing is good grades and keeping my room the way it is.